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Colonic Polypectomy – EMR, ESD: When and How?

Endoscopic management of the large non-pedunculated colonic polyp (LNPCP)

New scientific developments now underpin the best practice approach. EMR has evolved as a highly effective, efficient, and safe tool to remove LNPCP of all sizes. With best practice, complications are infrequent, and recurrence is negligible. ESD is also a critical component of LNPCP management. It has an important role for the cure of overt or covert early cancer within LNPCP, particularly in the rectum and left colon.

In this SIES series, we will cover the important steps in lesion evaluation, resection modality selection and technique.

Much of this innovation has come from our team at Westmead. Professor. Michael Bourke and A/Professor. Nick Burgess will lead the discussion.

If your clinical practice involves colonoscopy, don’t miss this important webinar. This is brought to you on a complimentary basis, on Thursday 23 June 2022, at 07:30 pm – 09:00 pm, AEST (Sydney time) with the generous support of Olympus Australia.