[{"id":"610","chapterid":"1687","timeTo":"121.99 ","timeFrom":"15 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2408","timeTo":"711.99 ","timeFrom":"122 ","number":"2","chaptername":"Lecture 1: What is conscious competence ","description":"This chapter delves into the concept of conscious competence in endoscopy training. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and deconstructing actions to improve technique and training efficacy. Key points include resolving sigmoid colon loops, managing scope instability, and the significance of effective communication and questioning during training sessions."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2409","timeTo":"832.99 ","timeFrom":"712 ","number":"3","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 1: Real-world Cases and Videos ","description":"In this chapter, techniques to manage loop formation during colonoscopy are demonstrated. It includes a discussion on the types of loops, specifically the alpha loop and the end spiral, and their corresponding resolution techniques, such as the use of clockwise torque and patient repositioning. The importance of understanding the dynamics of loop formation and methods to mitigate them are underscored."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2410","timeTo":"1126.99 ","timeFrom":"833 ","number":"4","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 1 ","description":"The chapter discusses the importance of effective questioning techniques during endoscopy training. Observations highlight the need for clear, singular questions and ensuring responses are received before proceeding. Emphasis is placed on diagnosing issues before proposing solutions, helping trainees understand problem identification and resolution. Cognitive overload and continuous scoping without pausing are also addressed as areas needing improvement."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2411","timeTo":"1299.99 ","timeFrom":"1127 ","number":"5","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"In this chapter, the handling of a mobile sigmoid colon during endoscopy is discussed. Techniques for achieving effective torque and maintaining the position are highlighted. The importance of controlled pushing through loops with gentle curves and the influence of patient sedation on procedural ease is also covered."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2412","timeTo":"1684.99 ","timeFrom":"1300 ","number":"6","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"This chapter examines the importance of trainer positioning and effective communication during an endoscopy training session. Observations are made regarding the physical and instructional challenges faced by the trainee. Emphasis is placed on pausing for better cognitive processing and achieving buy-in from trainees through self-diagnosis of issues."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2413","timeTo":"1878.99 ","timeFrom":"1685 ","number":"7","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"The chapter discusses the management of an end spiral loop in the sigmoid colon, focusing on reducing the loop size and applying the correct torque. Emphasis is placed on observing hand movements and the use of clockwise versus anticlockwise torque to achieve stability and progression."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2414","timeTo":"2085.99 ","timeFrom":"1879 ","number":"8","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"In this chapter, the critical importance of clear communication between trainer and trainee during endoscopy procedures is discussed. It highlights issues related to the incorrect application of torque and emphasizes the trainer's responsibility in ensuring the trainee understands and executes instructions correctly. Proactive training strategies are suggested to prevent misunderstandings and improve procedural outcomes."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2415","timeTo":"2185.99 ","timeFrom":"2086 ","number":"9","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"In this chapter, the discussion revolves around adjusting the scope technique due to an issue with antico wire insufficiency. It illustrates the importance of correct tool usage and real-time problem solving by the operative team. The transcript captures the dynamic feedback and iterative attempt to correct the procedural steps, highlighting practical troubleshooting during endoscopic procedures."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2416","timeTo":"3017.99 ","timeFrom":"2186 ","number":"10","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"The chapter delves into the complex interaction between trainers and trainees during a colonoscopy procedure. It discusses the importance of effective feedback, avoiding negative language, and ensuring trainee buy-in. The focus is on how trainers can improve their guidance by asking open-ended questions and aligning with trainees\u2019 needs, especially during challenging cases."},{"id":"610","chapterid":"2417","timeTo":"3108.167 ","timeFrom":"3018 ","number":"11","chaptername":"End of the session ","description":"This chapter involves an interactive session with local trainees in the studio, culminating in a quiz. The winner is announced, and reflective feedback is provided. The importance of promoting cognitive engagement in training sessions is discussed, while the concept of the trainer talking continuously is deemed less effective. The session is noted for being engaging and enjoyable for participants."}]
[{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"729","tagName":"Conscious Competence"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"745","tagName":"Assessment of Trainee"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"814","tagName":"Reasons for Failure to Progress"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"256","tagName":"Endoscopic Video and Audio Narration"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"257","tagName":"Endoscopic Video and Room Video with Audio"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"1687","timeFrom":"15 ","timeTo":"121.99 ","number":"1","chaptername":"Introduction ","description":"This chapter addresses key competencies for effective endoscopy training, emphasizing the conscious competence framework. It highlights common trainee complaints such as insufficient practice time and premature scope takeover by trainers. The difficulty trainers face in explaining their actions during procedures is also discussed.","tagid":"258","tagName":"Lecture with Audio"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2408","timeFrom":"122 ","timeTo":"711.99 ","number":"2","chaptername":"Lecture 1: What is conscious competence ","description":"This chapter delves into the concept of conscious competence in endoscopy training. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and deconstructing actions to improve technique and training efficacy. Key points include resolving sigmoid colon loops, managing scope instability, and the significance of effective communication and questioning during training sessions.","tagid":"729","tagName":"Conscious Competence"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2408","timeFrom":"122 ","timeTo":"711.99 ","number":"2","chaptername":"Lecture 1: What is conscious competence ","description":"This chapter delves into the concept of conscious competence in endoscopy training. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and deconstructing actions to improve technique and training efficacy. Key points include resolving sigmoid colon loops, managing scope instability, and the significance of effective communication and questioning during training sessions.","tagid":"236","tagName":"Didactic Instruction"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2408","timeFrom":"122 ","timeTo":"711.99 ","number":"2","chaptername":"Lecture 1: What is conscious competence ","description":"This chapter delves into the concept of conscious competence in endoscopy training. It emphasizes the importance of understanding and deconstructing actions to improve technique and training efficacy. Key points include resolving sigmoid colon loops, managing scope instability, and the significance of effective communication and questioning during training sessions.","tagid":"745","tagName":"Assessment of Trainee"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2409","timeFrom":"712 ","timeTo":"832.99 ","number":"3","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 1: Real-world Cases and Videos ","description":"In this chapter, techniques to manage loop formation during colonoscopy are demonstrated. It includes a discussion on the types of loops, specifically the alpha loop and the end spiral, and their corresponding resolution techniques, such as the use of clockwise torque and patient repositioning. The importance of understanding the dynamics of loop formation and methods to mitigate them are underscored.","tagid":"199","tagName":"Alpha"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2409","timeFrom":"712 ","timeTo":"832.99 ","number":"3","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 1: Real-world Cases and Videos ","description":"In this chapter, techniques to manage loop formation during colonoscopy are demonstrated. It includes a discussion on the types of loops, specifically the alpha loop and the end spiral, and their corresponding resolution techniques, such as the use of clockwise torque and patient repositioning. The importance of understanding the dynamics of loop formation and methods to mitigate them are underscored.","tagid":"200","tagName":"Reverse Alpha"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2409","timeFrom":"712 ","timeTo":"832.99 ","number":"3","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 1: Real-world Cases and Videos ","description":"In this chapter, techniques to manage loop formation during colonoscopy are demonstrated. It includes a discussion on the types of loops, specifically the alpha loop and the end spiral, and their corresponding resolution techniques, such as the use of clockwise torque and patient repositioning. The importance of understanding the dynamics of loop formation and methods to mitigate them are underscored.","tagid":"563","tagName":"Colonoscope Stiffner"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2410","timeFrom":"833 ","timeTo":"1126.99 ","number":"4","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 1 ","description":"The chapter discusses the importance of effective questioning techniques during endoscopy training. Observations highlight the need for clear, singular questions and ensuring responses are received before proceeding. Emphasis is placed on diagnosing issues before proposing solutions, helping trainees understand problem identification and resolution. Cognitive overload and continuous scoping without pausing are also addressed as areas needing improvement.","tagid":"814","tagName":"Reasons for Failure to Progress"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2410","timeFrom":"833 ","timeTo":"1126.99 ","number":"4","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 1 ","description":"The chapter discusses the importance of effective questioning techniques during endoscopy training. Observations highlight the need for clear, singular questions and ensuring responses are received before proceeding. Emphasis is placed on diagnosing issues before proposing solutions, helping trainees understand problem identification and resolution. Cognitive overload and continuous scoping without pausing are also addressed as areas needing improvement.","tagid":"231","tagName":"Cognitive overload"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2410","timeFrom":"833 ","timeTo":"1126.99 ","number":"4","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 1 ","description":"The chapter discusses the importance of effective questioning techniques during endoscopy training. Observations highlight the need for clear, singular questions and ensuring responses are received before proceeding. Emphasis is placed on diagnosing issues before proposing solutions, helping trainees understand problem identification and resolution. Cognitive overload and continuous scoping without pausing are also addressed as areas needing improvement.","tagid":"230","tagName":"Checking for understanding"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2411","timeFrom":"1127 ","timeTo":"1299.99 ","number":"5","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"In this chapter, the handling of a mobile sigmoid colon during endoscopy is discussed. Techniques for achieving effective torque and maintaining the position are highlighted. The importance of controlled pushing through loops with gentle curves and the influence of patient sedation on procedural ease is also covered.","tagid":"159","tagName":"Sigmoid"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2411","timeFrom":"1127 ","timeTo":"1299.99 ","number":"5","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"In this chapter, the handling of a mobile sigmoid colon during endoscopy is discussed. Techniques for achieving effective torque and maintaining the position are highlighted. The importance of controlled pushing through loops with gentle curves and the influence of patient sedation on procedural ease is also covered.","tagid":"183","tagName":"Colon Mobility"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2411","timeFrom":"1127 ","timeTo":"1299.99 ","number":"5","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"In this chapter, the handling of a mobile sigmoid colon during endoscopy is discussed. Techniques for achieving effective torque and maintaining the position are highlighted. The importance of controlled pushing through loops with gentle curves and the influence of patient sedation on procedural ease is also covered.","tagid":"787","tagName":"Torque steering"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2412","timeFrom":"1300 ","timeTo":"1684.99 ","number":"6","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"This chapter examines the importance of trainer positioning and effective communication during an endoscopy training session. Observations are made regarding the physical and instructional challenges faced by the trainee. Emphasis is placed on pausing for better cognitive processing and achieving buy-in from trainees through self-diagnosis of issues.","tagid":"231","tagName":"Cognitive overload"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2412","timeFrom":"1300 ","timeTo":"1684.99 ","number":"6","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 2 ","description":"This chapter examines the importance of trainer positioning and effective communication during an endoscopy training session. Observations are made regarding the physical and instructional challenges faced by the trainee. Emphasis is placed on pausing for better cognitive processing and achieving buy-in from trainees through self-diagnosis of issues.","tagid":"240","tagName":"Tip Control"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2413","timeFrom":"1685 ","timeTo":"1878.99 ","number":"7","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"The chapter discusses the management of an end spiral loop in the sigmoid colon, focusing on reducing the loop size and applying the correct torque. Emphasis is placed on observing hand movements and the use of clockwise versus anticlockwise torque to achieve stability and progression.","tagid":"159","tagName":"Sigmoid"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2413","timeFrom":"1685 ","timeTo":"1878.99 ","number":"7","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"The chapter discusses the management of an end spiral loop in the sigmoid colon, focusing on reducing the loop size and applying the correct torque. Emphasis is placed on observing hand movements and the use of clockwise versus anticlockwise torque to achieve stability and progression.","tagid":"162","tagName":"Splenic Flexure"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2413","timeFrom":"1685 ","timeTo":"1878.99 ","number":"7","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"The chapter discusses the management of an end spiral loop in the sigmoid colon, focusing on reducing the loop size and applying the correct torque. Emphasis is placed on observing hand movements and the use of clockwise versus anticlockwise torque to achieve stability and progression.","tagid":"787","tagName":"Torque steering"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2414","timeFrom":"1879 ","timeTo":"2085.99 ","number":"8","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"In this chapter, the critical importance of clear communication between trainer and trainee during endoscopy procedures is discussed. It highlights issues related to the incorrect application of torque and emphasizes the trainer's responsibility in ensuring the trainee understands and executes instructions correctly. Proactive training strategies are suggested to prevent misunderstandings and improve procedural outcomes.","tagid":"252","tagName":"Communication"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2414","timeFrom":"1879 ","timeTo":"2085.99 ","number":"8","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"In this chapter, the critical importance of clear communication between trainer and trainee during endoscopy procedures is discussed. It highlights issues related to the incorrect application of torque and emphasizes the trainer's responsibility in ensuring the trainee understands and executes instructions correctly. Proactive training strategies are suggested to prevent misunderstandings and improve procedural outcomes.","tagid":"787","tagName":"Torque steering"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2414","timeFrom":"1879 ","timeTo":"2085.99 ","number":"8","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 3 ","description":"In this chapter, the critical importance of clear communication between trainer and trainee during endoscopy procedures is discussed. It highlights issues related to the incorrect application of torque and emphasizes the trainer's responsibility in ensuring the trainee understands and executes instructions correctly. Proactive training strategies are suggested to prevent misunderstandings and improve procedural outcomes.","tagid":"821","tagName":"Proactive Approach"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2415","timeFrom":"2086 ","timeTo":"2185.99 ","number":"9","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"In this chapter, the discussion revolves around adjusting the scope technique due to an issue with antico wire insufficiency. It illustrates the importance of correct tool usage and real-time problem solving by the operative team. The transcript captures the dynamic feedback and iterative attempt to correct the procedural steps, highlighting practical troubleshooting during endoscopic procedures.","tagid":"240","tagName":"Tip Control"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2415","timeFrom":"2086 ","timeTo":"2185.99 ","number":"9","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"In this chapter, the discussion revolves around adjusting the scope technique due to an issue with antico wire insufficiency. It illustrates the importance of correct tool usage and real-time problem solving by the operative team. The transcript captures the dynamic feedback and iterative attempt to correct the procedural steps, highlighting practical troubleshooting during endoscopic procedures.","tagid":"232","tagName":"Dynamic feedback"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2415","timeFrom":"2086 ","timeTo":"2185.99 ","number":"9","chaptername":"Lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"In this chapter, the discussion revolves around adjusting the scope technique due to an issue with antico wire insufficiency. It illustrates the importance of correct tool usage and real-time problem solving by the operative team. The transcript captures the dynamic feedback and iterative attempt to correct the procedural steps, highlighting practical troubleshooting during endoscopic procedures.","tagid":"822","tagName":"Problem Solution Execution Approach"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2416","timeFrom":"2186 ","timeTo":"3017.99 ","number":"10","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"The chapter delves into the complex interaction between trainers and trainees during a colonoscopy procedure. It discusses the importance of effective feedback, avoiding negative language, and ensuring trainee buy-in. The focus is on how trainers can improve their guidance by asking open-ended questions and aligning with trainees\u00e2\u0080\u0099 needs, especially during challenging cases.","tagid":"814","tagName":"Reasons for Failure to Progress"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2416","timeFrom":"2186 ","timeTo":"3017.99 ","number":"10","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"The chapter delves into the complex interaction between trainers and trainees during a colonoscopy procedure. It discusses the importance of effective feedback, avoiding negative language, and ensuring trainee buy-in. The focus is on how trainers can improve their guidance by asking open-ended questions and aligning with trainees\u00e2\u0080\u0099 needs, especially during challenging cases.","tagid":"252","tagName":"Communication"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2416","timeFrom":"2186 ","timeTo":"3017.99 ","number":"10","chaptername":"Discussion lecture 2 part 4 ","description":"The chapter delves into the complex interaction between trainers and trainees during a colonoscopy procedure. It discusses the importance of effective feedback, avoiding negative language, and ensuring trainee buy-in. The focus is on how trainers can improve their guidance by asking open-ended questions and aligning with trainees\u00e2\u0080\u0099 needs, especially during challenging cases.","tagid":"232","tagName":"Dynamic feedback"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2417","timeFrom":"3018 ","timeTo":"3108.167 ","number":"11","chaptername":"End of the session ","description":"This chapter involves an interactive session with local trainees in the studio, culminating in a quiz. The winner is announced, and reflective feedback is provided. The importance of promoting cognitive engagement in training sessions is discussed, while the concept of the trainer talking continuously is deemed less effective. The session is noted for being engaging and enjoyable for participants.","tagid":"234","tagName":"Exploring Current Knowledge"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2417","timeFrom":"3018 ","timeTo":"3108.167 ","number":"11","chaptername":"End of the session ","description":"This chapter involves an interactive session with local trainees in the studio, culminating in a quiz. The winner is announced, and reflective feedback is provided. The importance of promoting cognitive engagement in training sessions is discussed, while the concept of the trainer talking continuously is deemed less effective. The session is noted for being engaging and enjoyable for participants.","tagid":"231","tagName":"Cognitive overload"},{"id":"610","split":"1","chapterid":"2417","timeFrom":"3018 ","timeTo":"3108.167 ","number":"11","chaptername":"End of the session ","description":"This chapter involves an interactive session with local trainees in the studio, culminating in a quiz. The winner is announced, and reflective feedback is provided. The importance of promoting cognitive engagement in training sessions is discussed, while the concept of the trainer talking continuously is deemed less effective. The session is noted for being engaging and enjoyable for participants.","tagid":"230","tagName":"Checking for understanding"}]
[{"name":"Training the Endoscopic Trainer","description":"Evidence Based Alternatives. Effective Debriefing Strategies in Medical Training: Enhancing Learning Through Feedback","summary":"
The discussion centered on effective debriefing and feedback strategies for medical training, particularly in endoscopic procedures like colonoscopies. It highlighted the need for personalized feedback, emphasizing strengths and addressing specific areas of improvement. Trainers were advised to initiate discussions with what went well, use open-ended questions to encourage trainee insights, and avoid overwhelming them with multiple points. For experienced trainees, tailored feedback that respects their expertise while offering guidance was essential. Cultural considerations, building buy-in, and promoting self-reflection were emphasized. The importance of creating a comfortable environment for trainees to discuss challenges, set objectives, and receive performance-enhancing feedback was reiterated. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of adaptive debriefing approaches that foster effective learning and growth in medical trainees.<\/p>","detailedSummary":"
Learning Objectives: <\/p>\n
Personalized debriefing in medical training<\/li>\n
Emphasizing strengths and targeted improvement<\/li>\n
Using open-ended questions for reflection<\/li>\n
Considering cultural aspects in feedback<\/li>\n
Employing performance-enhancing feedback for effective learning<\/li>\n<\/ul>","author":"Christophe Schoonjans","tagger":"1","editor":"1","recorder":"9","authorid":"15","centreName":"AZ Sint-Jan Brugge","centreCity":"Brugge","centreCountry":"Belgium"}]
[{"chapterTagid":"17140","tagName":"Alpha","id":"199"},{"chapterTagid":"17132","tagName":"Assessment of Trainee","id":"745"},{"chapterTagid":"17145","tagName":"Checking for understanding","id":"230"},{"chapterTagid":"17144","tagName":"Cognitive overload","id":"231"},{"chapterTagid":"17147","tagName":"Colon Mobility","id":"183"},{"chapterTagid":"17142","tagName":"Colonoscope Stiffner","id":"563"},{"chapterTagid":"17154","tagName":"Communication","id":"252"},{"chapterTagid":"17131","tagName":"Conscious Competence","id":"729"},{"chapterTagid":"17138","tagName":"Didactic Instruction","id":"236"},{"chapterTagid":"17158","tagName":"Dynamic feedback","id":"232"},{"chapterTagid":"17134","tagName":"Endoscopic Video and Audio Narration","id":"256"},{"chapterTagid":"17135","tagName":"Endoscopic Video and Room Video with Audio","id":"257"},{"chapterTagid":"17163","tagName":"Exploring Current Knowledge","id":"234"},{"chapterTagid":"17136","tagName":"Lecture with Audio","id":"258"},{"chapterTagid":"17156","tagName":"Proactive Approach","id":"821"},{"chapterTagid":"17159","tagName":"Problem Solution Execution Approach","id":"822"},{"chapterTagid":"17133","tagName":"Reasons for Failure to Progress","id":"814"},{"chapterTagid":"17141","tagName":"Reverse Alpha","id":"200"},{"chapterTagid":"17146","tagName":"Sigmoid","id":"159"},{"chapterTagid":"17152","tagName":"Splenic Flexure","id":"162"},{"chapterTagid":"17150","tagName":"Tip Control","id":"240"},{"chapterTagid":"17148","tagName":"Torque steering","id":"787"}]
The discussion centered on effective debriefing and feedback strategies for medical training, particularly in endoscopic procedures like colonoscopies. It highlighted the need for personalized feedback, emphasizing strengths and addressing specific areas of improvement. Trainers were advised to initiate discussions with what went well, use open-ended questions to encourage trainee insights, and avoid overwhelming them with multiple points. For experienced trainees, tailored feedback that respects their expertise while offering guidance was essential. Cultural considerations, building buy-in, and promoting self-reflection were emphasized. The importance of creating a comfortable environment for trainees to discuss challenges, set objectives, and receive performance-enhancing feedback was reiterated. Overall, the discussion underscored the significance of adaptive debriefing approaches that foster effective learning and growth in medical trainees.
Detailed Summary
Learning Objectives:
Personalized debriefing in medical training
Emphasizing strengths and targeted improvement
Using open-ended questions for reflection
Considering cultural aspects in feedback
Employing performance-enhancing feedback for effective learning
Assessment of TraineeChecking for understandingCognitive overloadConscious CompetenceDidactic InstructionDynamic feedbackExploring Current KnowledgeProactive ApproachProblem Solution Execution Approach
Video Type
Endoscopic Video and Audio NarrationEndoscopic Video and Room Video with AudioLecture with Audio
Registration will open in late January 2020. Prior to this you
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Join us for GIEQs II
Released prior to the early bird deadline these 6, 1-2 minute video
demonstrate the attention to detail, deconstructed approach and rock solid evidence
base of the GIEQs Approach.
1 - Over the Scope Clip for Upper
Gastrointestinal Bleeding Use of
OTSC as first-line for life
threatening upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
2 - Early Gastric Cancer Can you
identify and characterise
this early gastric cancer? Watch the video for more information
including endoscopic resectability
3 - The Demarcated Area as a Predictor of
Submucosal Invasion in Colon Polyps the Demarcated Area has emerged as a stable predictor
of submucosal invasive cancer. Find out more here.
4 - Dealing with Adverse Events at Colonic
To be able to competently perform colonic polypectomy you must be able
to deal with adverse events. A deconstructed example is shown
5 - Complex EUS applications to make Everyday
ERCP easier Endoscopic Ultrasound
is radically changing the way we approach biliary intervention and can
make a difference to everyday endoscopic problems.
6 - Decision Making after Large perforation and
life threatening Bleeding during Polypectomy Many of the GIEQs faculty spend their normal working
lives on complex endoscopy. Learning the lessons and approach from these
procedures, deconstructing them and bringing them to the everyday is a
crucial part of the GIEQs approach.